quarta-feira, 27 de janeiro de 2016

Perguntas para/da Host Family

Oi meninas,

Hoje venho mostrar pra vocês as perguntas que me ajudaram bastante. Depois do meu terrível primeiro skype que contei pra vocês, me preparei melhor e fiquei ensaiando o dia inteiro essas perguntas pra não travar na hora de falar com a família. Encontrei essas perguntas em um blog (euaupair2014) e achei ótimo porque são bem detalhadas e dá uma perfeita base pra sabermos o que é mais importante ou o que devemos acrescentar. Então recomendo que vocês façam suas modificações de acordo com o perfil da família que entre em contato. Tipo mudar as perguntas dependendo da idade, de quantas kids, se for bebê, entre outros.

Sobre as kids:

1) Let's say her name is Caroline. Hi, how should I call you? Is Caroline fine?
2) How many children are there and what are their names?
3) How old are they?
4) How is their daily schedule like?
5) What do they like to do?
6) Do they have favorite toys or games?
7) Do they practice sports? If YES, which ones? Do they swim yet?
8) Are they going to school yet? If so, how far from your house is the school?
9) Do they go to school by bus or by car? Do I have to drive them?
10) Are they allowed to have friends over?
11) What do they like to eat? Do you follow a speciel diet?
12) Would I be responsible for their dinner, lunch and breakfast every day?
13) What time do they go to bed?
14) Are they allowed to watch tv/listen to music/play video games?
15) Are they allergic to something?

Sobre os pais:

16) Where do you work and what do you do?
17) Do you have any hobbies?
18) Do you have family members living near by?
19) Do you travel a lot? If Yes, where do you go? Would I have to go, too?
20) Do you live in a house or apart.? 
21) Have you ever traveled to other countries? Did you like it? 
22) Do you know anything about my country?
23) Have you lived abroad? If so, how hard was that for you?
24) Why are you hosting an au pair? 
25) What qualities do you think your au pair should have?
26) Have you ever had an au pair before? What do you mind if I talk to her or send her an e-mail? Why did she go home? How was her relationship with your kids? 

Sobre a cidade:

27) How is your city? What are the other cities nearby?  
28) Are there any school/college or university near your town/city? If YES, which ones? Are they too expensive?
29) Do you have pets?
30) Do you have a housekeeper? Is she/he going to clean my room, too? Does she/he come every week?
31) Are there many au pairs in the area?
32) Where can I take the kids? What things are there to do with kids? Any parks? Library? gym centers?

Sobre os deveres:

33) Do you have any house rules? What are they?
34) Where is the au pair room located? Can you describe the room?
35) Do I have to share the bathroom with the kids or do I have my own?
36) What happens if I am talking to your kid and he/she is not behaving well? Am I allowed to give them some time out?
37) Am I reponsible for any household duties? If so, which ones?
38) Are my friends and family members allowed to come over to visit me?
39) Is there a car for the au pair to use? Can I drive it during my free time, too? Am I be responsible for gas?
40) Is there a cellphone for the au pair to use? 
41) What activities do you expect me to do with the children?
42) Will I have access to internet? Is there a computer I can use?
43) How will my schedule be like?Will I have the weekends off? 
44) Will I have time to study? 
45) Will I have a curfew? Will I have a car curfew?

Agora 80 questões que talvez a host family possa te fazer. É bom dar uma olhada pra ter uma ideia do que eles podem te perguntar e meu conselho é que respondam todas por escrito e pratiquem as respostas pra sair bonito.

1) Have you ever lived out od your home country before?
2) Tell us about your personality. Are you a cheerful person?
3) Can you adjust living with a foreing family and be a part of it?
4) Can you live apart from your family and friends?
5) Have you ever been an au pair before?
6) Why do you want to be an au pair?
7) How well do you speak our language?
8) Are you planning on going to a language school?
9) What is your parent's occupation?
10) How large is your hometown? Is it a large city or a rural area?
11) What is your last diploma you received? Are you a good student?
12) What are your hobbies and interests?
13) How is your driving and driving record?
14) Do you have a criminal record?
15) Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend?
16) How would you spend your weekends here?
17) Will you request any time off to oberve certain religious days?
18) How do we arrange the vacation schedules?
19) Are you flexible? If we run little late from work, do you mind?
20) Would you participate in our family outings or vacacion?
21) Do you have any brother or sister?
22) Please tell us about your childcare experience.
23) Do you have any first- aid training?
24) Can you cook?
25) Do you have any dietary restrictions? Is there any type of food you don't eat?
26) How would you approach any problems or issues during your stay?
27) If we want you teach our children your native language, would you mind speaking to them in your language?
28) Do you have any allergies?
29) How is your health? Do you have any health related issues?
30) What kind of activities would you do with the kids?
31) Can you help the children with homework?
32) Would you treat younger and older children equally?
33) How many children can you take care of?
34) Our children playmates coming over to our house regularly. Do you mind having more children around some days?
35) How do you think this experience will change you as a person?
36) What are your plans after your au pair experience?
37) What values did your parents teach you as being most important in life?
38) What three adjectives would your friends use to describe you?
39) Do you have a boyfriend? How does he feel about your decision to become an AP? How do you think you’ll handle being away from him for a year?
40) Do you have experience driving in heavy traffic?
41) Do you have your own car?
42) Do you drive often, how often?
43) How long have you driven?
44) Are you OK driving long distances to travel?
45) What kind of cars have you driven?
46) What is the furthest distance you have ever driven?
47) What kind of bad weather have you driven in? (snow? heavy rain?)
48) Have you ever used a GPS?
49) When you need to figure out how to drive to somewhere, how do you get directions?
50) Have you ever gotten lost while driving? If so, what did you do?
51) Have you ever been on a road trip with a friend?
52) Are you close with your siblings?
53) How did you hear about the program and who suggested that you become an aupair?
54) Do you have relatives in the US?
55) Is religion important to you?
56) Are you a morning person? Are you able to start your day early?
57) Do you have a housekeeper? Do you have duties at home? Please explain what your duties are.
58) Have you had a job before? Tell us about your job & what you did. What where the challenges? -What did you like? How long did you work there? Why did you quit?
59) How do you handle conflict with your parents?
60) How do you like to keep your room at home?
61) If the baby is crying & hurt, the 3 & 4 year old are fighting & the doorbell rings – how would you handle that situation?
62) What would you do if you were driving & the boys are fighting or takes off a seat belt?
63) What is your biggest concern or fear about becoming an au pair?
64) Why do you want to come to the USA?
65) The child you are looking after is just learning to walk. She is walking on a concrete sidewalk and falls forward and hits her head. Her head is cut and bleeding heavily. She is crying hysterically and is very upset because she is in pain and is scared. How do you handle this?
66) Have you ever clipped a baby’s fingernails or toenails?
67) What are your expectations for the home that you will live in as an au pair? Will you be uncomfortable if the home is not perfectly clean at all times?
68) Have you had any prior lengthy illnesses?
69) What age children do you prefer to take care of?
70) How much sleep do you need to feel rested?
71) How do you plan to spend your time when you’re not working?
72) Do you know anyone in the US?
73) What is your best and worst memory of your family life?
74) What kind of role do you want to have with the children? A playmate? A teacher? A parent? How would you go about these roles?
75) Do you want to be like a roommate or do you want to be like a member of the host family? A roommate socializes outside of the home most nights and weekend with friends. A member of the family eats dinner at home each night and spends time at home on the weekends and watches movies with the host family in the evening.
76) How do you make friends?
77) Do you enjoy playing with dogs and are you comfortable with them?
78) How do you envision your day taking care of our daughter?
79) What do you think is most exciting thing about coming to the US as an au pair?
80) What is your biggest strength/weakness?

Recomendo ter essas perguntas respondidas em um documento porque você pode mandá-las pra alguma hf que você esteja a ponto de fechar, caso eles queiram saber mais sobre você. Você pode tomar essa iniciativa de perguntar se eles gostariam de recebê-las e, é claro, com certeza eles irão adorar! Como a família que conversei que disse que achou muito útil todas as perguntas e a host mom adorou.

Beijos e boa sorte!

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